Meet Our Team

Our Teaching Staff

Ruth Santosham,


Founder, Sprouts Academy,

Sprouts Nature School, Sprouts Intergenerational Learning 
Bachelor of Education / Elementary Education

As the Sprouts Founder, I love to share the roots of the school, which are inspired by my parents, children, and my grandfather, who said, “Seek first to understand and then be understood.”  This idea grew into my building a philosophy towards education that was as unique as every child - a place where individual interests, abilities and learning styles of children are at the forefront of educational programs and teaching intentions. I seek to understand your child.

To make Sprouts the success it is, I believe it is important to surround our students with a dedicated, talented, smart, and diverse team of educators and give them the support and opportunities they need to thrive. From there, we intentionally build a strong and supportive school community. We are a collective group of parents, teachers and extended family who have common goals: to nurture and guide our children and strengthen the community we live in.

I try to ensure I personally take time to experience the students’ joy in play and their moments of discovery. Connection is key. Building friendships, giving a needed hug, taking a quiet moment to talk, listening to questions and ideas with an open mind and being in the presence of our amazing teaching teams, are all part of my fulfilling days at Sprouts. As Sprouts has grown, we have extended the dedication of our community by supporting inspiring organizations like Baby Go Round, Music Heals and Cause We Care.

Now that you have had a peek into who I am, I hope you will take the time to get to know some of our Sprouts educators by reading their fascinating and diverse profiles.

Nimi Braich

ECE, CHRP, GDBA 2024  

Sprouts Academy

Director, Business Development

Nimi had the opportunity to join Sprouts initially as a class parent in 2021. Through her observations and discussions around Sprout’s opportunities, she made the connection with Ruth who saw value in her business acumen and love of life-long learning. Not only does Nimi have a CPHR designation -  which acknowledges her skills and dedication to excellence in Human Resources -  but she is taking on her Graduate Degree in Business Administration, while consulting and enjoying a full-time career with a national corporation.

Based on her extensive experience in business development, human resources management, strategy innovation, and a Green Belt in Six Sigma Certification - which elevates her lean process management philosophy -    she has assisted in a cultural transformation of the school that has helped solidify its success well into the future.

“I love solving problems and look at challenges as opportunities. I am here to support Ruth and the warm and personable Sprouts family on admissions and various aspects of business development. I have also had a hand in upgrading marketing and social media strategies to ensure we have healthy and robust communications and can responsibly grow our school community. I’ve had the opportunity to assist in moving us from a paper-based organization to a more sustainable and technically driven school with formalized Strategic Planning.

Nimi’s obvious love of children and her starter career in Early Childhood Education, clearly grounds her in a student-first philosophy.

FUN FACT: Nimi is most often engrossed in her work, which she also classifies as a primary hobby. When she isn’t solving business problems, improving herself through higher education, or parenting her amazing children, you will find this foodie working out, meeting new people or enjoying our beautiful Pacific Northwest outdoors.

Ali Brennan,


Sprouts Academy

Early Childhood Educator (ECE) who plays a vital role at Sprouts. Ali is responsible for the ELL (English Language Learning) program and is also involved in the Nature School program.

Ali's educational journey is diverse, having studied Event Marketing and Canadian Studies before pursuing Langara's Early Childhood Education program.

In terms of professional experience, Ali has a strong background in working with children. This includes running cooking classes tailored to kids and volunteering with the Girl Guides of Canada. These experiences have given her valuable insights into fostering a nurturing and supportive environment for young learners.

Ali's teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that every child is a capable, strong, and resilient individual. She emphasizes the importance of providing an open and understanding atmosphere where children can explore, make mistakes, and kindle their innate curiosity for learning and personal growth. Ali is passionate about enabling children to discover their unique path and believes in the power of building connections between peers, families, and the community. These connections, she believes, play a pivotal role in helping children develop into their best selves.

One of Ali's most rewarding aspects of being an ECE professional is the opportunity to learn alongside the children. Witnessing those "ah-ha" moments when a skill they've been honing finally clicks into place is a source of immense joy for her.

Ali has a strong affinity for the Sprouts community. She appreciates the warm and welcoming atmosphere created by the staff, families, and children. Additionally, she values the diversity of programs offered at Sprouts, which provides a multifaceted learning experience all under one roof.

Outside of her work at Sprouts, Ali enjoys various activities in her free time. She is a creative soul who loves to paint, craft, and bake. Additionally, she's a fan of baseball and can often be found watching games. Music is another integral part of Ali's life, as she frequently sings to herself.

A fun fact about Ali is that her hair has sported every colour of the rainbow, reflecting her vibrant and dynamic personality.


Caitlin Molina


Sprouts Academy

Dedicated educator at Sprouts, where she teaches in multiple programs, including Little Sprouts, Junior Sprouts, and ELL.

Caitlin graduated from Langara College with a diploma in Early Childhood Education, a field she has always been passionate about.

From a young age, Caitlin had a strong desire to become a teacher. Her journey towards this career path began with volunteering, where she worked closely with young children. She quickly realized that this was the age group she was most enthusiastic about teaching, recognizing the profound impact she could have on their lives. Caitlin firmly believes that early childhood education sets the foundation for a child's holistic development, encompassing social, physical, intellectual, creative, and emotional growth. As an early childhood educator, she places great importance on fostering meaningful connections between children and their world. Caitlin's philosophy revolves around nurturing children as lifelong learners, where each child's well-being is a top priority. Through engagement with peers, materials, and play, children in her classroom develop a strong sense of belonging.

One of Caitlin's favorite aspects of teaching is the opportunity to rediscover the joy of being a child every day. She finds immense happiness in laughing, learning, and playing with all her wonderful sprouts.

Caitlin's journey at Sprouts began with a practicum opportunity, which eventually led to her becoming a valued member of the team. She greatly admires the community values upheld at Sprouts and cherishes the continuous support and care she receives from fellow educators and families. For Caitlin, it's truly a blessing.

Outside of her teaching responsibilities, Caitlin enjoys a variety of activities. She's an avid shopper, an art enthusiast who loves creating, a yoga practitioner for both physical and mental well-being, an avid reader, and a skilled cook. She has a particular fondness for making cheese boards. However, her absolute favorite pastime is spending quality time with her cat, Smokey.

A fun fact about Caitlin is that she possesses the skill of knitting, demonstrating her creative talents beyond the classroom.

Andrea Azevedo, 


Sprouts Academy

Full day Kindergarten Classroom and Nature School Program Educator

Andrea’s journey to Early Chidhood Education began when she created a Health and Fitness program for Sprouts’ students – and what a FIT! She enjoyed the children and community so much that she completed her ECEA and joined the team as a full-time classroom teacher in 2018.
As an ECE professional her priorities are developing a safe and encouraging environment for children and their families. She also builds strong relationships with the whole Sprouts’ community, particularly the teaching team , to help everyone feel successful and supported.

Teach but be teachable is her motto. This thoughtful approach guides her program planning but gives her the freedom to  “switch gears” and adapt each child’s needs and interests. She believes that every day is an opportunity to reflect and discover new ways to learn, teach, support and connect with the children here at Sprouts.

“Unfiltered love, hilarious observations and the humbling honesty of the Sprouts students keeps each class full of surprises. Children have a wonderful capacity to live in the moment and remind us of what a magical place that can be!” says she.

When Andrea isn’t building the creative minds of the Sprouts students, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, eating out, walking her dog, reading, writing, watching movies and going on sunny vacations.

Fun fact: She loves to write in rhymes, turning words into poems and song.

Mariko Hashimoto,


Sprouts Academy

Early Childhood Educator  and Nature School Program EducatorEarly Childhood Education (Japan and Canada)

Mariko began in the Early Childhood Education field in Japan, where she taught for seven years. Following her move to Canada, she has five years of ECE to her credit – three of those years being here with us at Sprouts.

        Her love of learning and teaching is ingrained in creativity, flexibility, patience and great communication skills.

She believes learning outside has a significant impact for children. Especially, hands on experiences with materials from nature.  Mariko allows the children the time to collaborate with their her and each other, which generates organic and exciting opportunities to create and play. What she most loves about teaching is watching children grow and change while she learns something every day.

        Her passion for teaching at Sprouts is rounded out with great teamwork. “Our team supports each other all the time, which makes me feel everyone is a part of the ‘Sprouts’ family.”

When she isn’t in class she is in nature. She and her husband often walk our wonderful parks or fish and camp in the Summer months. In Winter she brings her snowshoes out. Always creating, Mariko loves to handmake jewelry with real flowers and resin.

Fun fact: Her cat Tofino is an exploration buff who goes everywhere with Mariko. From hiking trails to a great camp spot, a tug boat ride or of course a snowshoe trail... keep an eye out for Tofino.


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