Thursday April 16th
Hi Everyone, We hope everyone is staying healthy and positive in these different times. We sure miss seeing you in person everyday!
What is your favourite forest animal? I know Ms. Melanie’s is an owl, Ms. Caroline’s is a skunk, Ms. Lisa’s is a deer and I like bears, although just from far away. We love to see and hear all of the birds in the forest too. Which one do you like? What letter do you think it starts with? Write the letter.
Photo by Bryan Padron on Unsplash skunk
Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash turtle
Our letter of the week is ‘v’. Get someone to read this to you and see if you can put up your hand every time you hear the sound V as in Vancouver at the beginning of a word. I love to eat vegetables and take my vitamins. Do you remember when we had Axel’s Aunt come to visit? She is a veterinarian who takes care of animals. Sometimes you need to turn down the volume of your voice if it is too loud. On Valentine’s day, I like to play violin music, eat vanilla cake and put flowers like violets into a vase. The vacuum that I have is really loud. I like to volunteer at my children’s schools. One day I hope that you are able to see the amazing view of a volcano. I use my vision to see many wonderful views. I hope you enjoy my video.
Pick your favourite v word and write it on paper. You could try to draw it too.
Here are some art ideas for the letter V.
Vase of violets with fingerprints- Creativity Takes Flight
Hand print volcano- All Done Monkey
Here is the book Franklin is Messy by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark
If you would like to get messy, you could build a volcano out of play dough, put baking soda in, add some vinegar and watch the magic. Try some food colouring and dish soap too. We recommend having a big tray to catch the mess.