Today is the first day of April! Have you heard of the poem “April showers bring May flowers”? I bet we will have a ton of flowers bloom this spring because we have had a ton of rain! This month we have 3 birthdays! Andersen is celebrating his birthday on the 5th, Shay is celebrating her birthday on the 11th, and Ms. Julia is celebrating her birthday on the 30th! How exciting! We’ve got lots of fun stuff to do today- let’s get started! Our new spring word of the day is wilt. Can you guess what the word wilt means?
If you can, grab a parent and go for a walk around your neighbourhood. You’ll need to bring a piece of paper, a pencil, and something hard to write on. While you are walking around, I would like you to draw 10 things that you see. (Example: 1 person, 1 dog, 1 rock, 1 car, 1 leaf, 1 house, 2 bugs and 2 pinecones). Come back inside and cut around each object so that you have 10 different pieces of paper. Now you are going to put these objects into different “living” or “non-living” piles.
Grab a pencil and paper and write down your answers to the following questions: how many objects are in each pile? Which pile has more and which pile has less? Are any of your objects the same? If so, how many? How do you know which one goes into which pile? Take a peak at what Ms. Julia’s experiment looks like below!
**Did you notice anything about Ms.Julia’s piles? Some objects fit under both the living and non-living piles! That is because when a leaf or pinecone is still attached to the tree or plant it is living and when it has been picked or has fallen off of the tree or plant it is non-living. Cool right?!
Pick one item that you drew and write a riddle with 3 clues. After you have finished send the riddle to Ms.Julia so she can try to guess what your object is! Ms.Julia will send you her guess and you can tell her if it was right or not!
Grab one of your objects, hide it, and write clues to your mom or dad so that they can find where it is. (Examples: draw a treasure map, write step-by-step instructions, or guide them with your voice to find the object).

Complete the page In the Garden Scavenger Hunt from the Spring Planting Printable Package.