SK April 27th Adventure

Good morning friends! Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This week we are going to be talking about what we have learned over our Spring Theme! Let’s get started!


In Spring we see so many things change! Flowers bloom, animals are born, and insects come out from hiding too!


We have learned that rhyming words sound the same. Can you come up with two words that rhyme? Write them down! How about 3 words that rhyme? Way to go!

Complete the worksheets below to practice your rhyming skills! *For the first activity linked below you (the parent) will read the rhyming riddles and get your kiddo to respond with the rhyming answer! For the second activity you (the parent) will read a series of three to four words.  Have your child listen for the word that does not belong!  They will tell you to throw this word away in the “trash”! 


Getting to see your face every week makes me smile! Complete the writing prompt below to share with your mom or dad what makes you smile!


Click the link below to review the circle time poem!

We have learned 5 new sight words for our Spring theme (has, come, they, have, out)! Today we learned the sight word “come”. Write a sentence with our new sight word “come”. Make sure to show your mom or dad when you are finished!


Join Coach Dylan as we take a trip to the cabin in today’s adventure!

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