Good morning friends! Happy Tuesday! Yesterday we learned a brand new poem about all of the changes we see during spring time! Today we will talk more about the changes that we see, specifically in our life cycles! Let’s get started!
We started off by learning about the life cycle of a plant! Do you remember from the video how a plant’s life begins? It starts off as a seed!
If you can, grab a parent, and take a walk around your neighbourhood. Point out the things you see that begin their life as a seed. What did you see? Write it down!

Next we talked about bees, butterflies, and spider life cycles! What do these three have in common? They all hatch from a tiny egg! Write down three other insects that would hatch from an egg!

Pick a new insect or plant that you would like to make a life cycle for! Think carefully about how it would begin and what it would grow into! Now that you’ve thought about it- draw out your life cycle! Make sure to show your mom or dad. Ms.Julia included a life cycle for your inspiration!

Click the link below to complete your own plant life cycle cards!
Click the link below to complete the Colour the Number activity!
Join Coach Kieran as we practice our footwork and perfect our scissors and score skill. (Video #2)