Hello friends! We miss you and it’s so good to see you on here. I hope you enjoyed the Earth Day blogs yesterday as well as yesterday’s refreshing rain. Charlie, Mowgli and I found some big rain puddles to jump in which is always so much fun!
Last week we read a book about the life cycle of a plant and there was one plant that came up in the book that was super special because it has superpowers. It’s superpower is that it can survive fire! Forest fires can scar the bark of this plant but will often not kill it. This plant is HUGE!! Can you remember what it was? Let me read the last bit of the book one more time and we will see if you were right.
Ms Emma took Charlie and Mowgli on a very, very long drive to the Redwood forest and I thought I would share some photos of us with the giant trees, aren’t they giant? Can you believe that those trees are plants that grew from tiny seeds? I have to tell you one more super cool thing about the Redwoods…..some of them are so, so, SO giant that people were able to cut a tunnel into one and you can actually drive your car through it! Amazing!

We have been sitting a while now so let’s stand up tall and reach for the sky like a redwood tree, stretch up high! Then reach deep into the roots below the ground and touch your toes. Slowly come up reach your arms out to the side like long branches then pretend the wind is blowing and sway in the wind.
Now you need to go for an adventure walk inside your house and look out of each and every window to see which window has a view of the biggest tree. Once you find the window with the biggest tree, go grab a piece of paper and some crayons and draw that big tree. Share a photo of your drawing with your friends on here. Here is the biggest tree I can see out of the windows of my house.
Just like all plants, trees, like the redwoods, start to grow from a tiny seed. Today we went on an adventure to our Nature School forest where I read a story to Charlie and Mowgli. I’d like to share that story with you. The book is about a tiny seed that grew into a tree, here it is!
I wanted to try an experiment to watch a tiny seed grow. You can try this with any seed that you find in your house. Some seeds will grow better than others and some won’t grow at all. A seed needs just the right environment to grow. So, I looked around my house for seeds. I found that there were seeds in the fruit in the fruit bowl and seeds in the vegetables in the fridge. I also found seeds in the garden shed where we kept old seeds from an old garden.
I chose two of my favourite seeds and put them in a ziplock bag with a wet piece of paper towel. (I have since learned that two wet pieces of cotton balls work better). I found the sunniest window in my house and taped the ziplock bag to the window. I’m going to check on the seeds every day and see what happens. Maybe they will grow! If you have lots of seeds, you could even try a whole bunch of different seeds and see which ones grow and which ones don’t. This will be a great experiment! If your seed grows, maybe you can even plant it in a cup with soil or in a garden.
Here are photos of my seed, one photo is from Day 1 in the ziplock bag and one photo is from Day 3. Which one do you guess is Day 1 and which is Day 3? What do you notice?
Bonus 1
Here is a video time lapse of germination. If you would like to try this experiment too, go for it!
Bonus 2
Forest Yoga!!